Look through the window, not at it.
America's politics is fake, but its future doesn't have to be.
N.Bene-ier: This used to be on Medium, which has since become clunky in comparison to Substack, which is a lot easier to use.
Obviously, I am also a whole year late to the essays promised within this essay. I blame COVID-19. Think of paid subscriptions as motivation (burning shame ) for me to get to them.
N.B. This was originally written around Christmas 2019; pre-COVID-19 and BLM riots, both of which have causes and responses rooted in Liberalism. I still see the same territory, the peaks and valleys are just larger, so I still have the same map.
The ‘left’ is the only real politics of today, and the ‘right’ is its poor cousin. These dimensions can be defined by support or opposition for the status quo and its telos; If you like things as they are, as opposed to just ten years ago, are excited about where they’re going and how they’ve changed, you’re on the left. If you’re not on the left, you’re on the right. Which do you think will be the bigger side in time? And why do things ‘go’ any direction first of all, because of ‘the times’ — why is that? If you understand these questions, you’ll get why 2020 is only fit for you to watch on election night with some popcorn.
One group in this muddle of approval or disapproval, Normal Conservatives, witlessly complain about literally ‘Mainstream’ Media’s biases and Big Tech’s prejudices, occasionally adding onto this litany, spheres of life as large as the Academy and ‘Hollywood’; whining when a movie producer says this or an Ivy League professor says that, to rapt, mass audiences. A separate faction, ‘liberals’, besides some largely internet confined rightist groups, are just about everyone else in society. Normal Conservatives never notice this.
It never occurs to them there’s no longer a Real America coming to redeem the Republic (by voting, naturally!) living somewhere beyond the so-called ‘bubble’ of the most fashionable, wealthy, connected, and influential people in the US, or the millions of Americans (indeed, often ethnic, heritage American Whites) of all stripes who aspire to be like them and already form a democratic majority. Normal Conservatives roll their eyes or scowl at vile displays like ‘Lizzo’, or suits as empty as Buttigieg. But these sorts have or report to real powers which influence the world. NormalCons don’t.
Smart people from Wisconsin, barring convictions their children probably won’t share, want to get out of Racine and live in DC, NYC, LA, or SF, to be like the aforementioned, not remain Midwesterners. This is tragic as the present Columbian polis is so rotten; an undeniable sign Heritage Americans, a very real, truly decent, and brave nation are being eroded; in numbers, influence, and lifespan. But it’s the truth, and shouldn’t be ignored for comfort’s sake.
The only real politics of the USA, the one that after each decade or so, has wins on its board, is of the ‘left’. They always professionalize and join with the establishment, and decade after decade, the right at all levels of mainstream influence is reduced to finding new ways to plead for lower taxes for the bed hopping donors who keep America’s political kabuki going. Pathetic, really.
If you’re a rightist, you’ve likely noticed the label ‘reactionary’ feels less like a slur, and more like an honest appraisal of your attitudes. Lizzo? Transgender drag queens? Drag kids? Mass immigration? Diversity as our strength? No, no, no, no to all of it. In public, it’s easiest for us to self identify by what we dissent from, rather than what we’re for. We are personae non gratae. Exiles.
Yet for all this, America’s smart, transgressive, interesting (albeit un-real) politics — apart from the insufferable blight that is Normie Conservatism, populated by cynical donors and small businessmen who think their car dealership is what AOC means when she breathlessly talks about Bezos and Zuckerberg and Pichai — is very much the domain of the furthest right today.
Banished from any real power, it has been freed from the selective sweep of donor interest culls, preserving strange, seemingly maladaptive features. Even somewhat staid journalistic minds have noticed the Cambrian Explosion-like emergence of internet movements, warts and all, against mainstream conservatism’s indistinguishability from the establishment/left, and its defamation of dissenters who want authentic movements and representation.
The verve dominating Twitter junkie feeds and literati dinner party conversations, motivating theses at middling to good universities, punching above its weight in commanding national media attention (‘concern’ and horror are more potent than limp approval) — this stuff is unquestionably coming from right-of-center in the United States today. We’ve got it all; groypers, beagles, Bronze Age spiritual revanchists, crypto-Duginists, outright Duginists, Trad Caths, Fash Caths, Linkolist An-Prims, HBD connoisseurs, fine arts aficionados, and blue-checked sorts ‘adjacent’ to the aforementioned.
But being so outré, it is in fact, fringe. Like an underground artist who never “sells out”, there’s the distinct impression that it, um, can’t. The marginalized and forbidden are inherently cool; anyone who has ever been a teenager and lived into parenthood of a teenager knows this is true beyond dispute — but only if the scoundrel’s exile carries the menace of him breaking back into the city walls to pillage its maidens. The right wing gives many in the media this impression; some of them are paid to be hysterical, because Trump as Hitler and Red Hats as Brown Shirts sells, and some of them are weak-sisters. But it’s all illusory, supporting a lie that Trump encourages as it helps him, too.
The symbiosis of the Media that loves to hate Trump, and vice versa, is an unholy alliance of a consensus machine that needs a tangible, exciting, moral anchor for evil, to tarnish all legitimate, controversial (interesting) dissent with the least impressive features of the right…and an establishment political styling so beholden to mainstream interests it’s actually pleased as punch when the Fake News claims it’s indeed causing some real chaos in Washington, from immigration to trade to war (spoiler alert: no it ain’t).
There may be a staffer here or there, connected to the administration or incumbent politicians, who is plugged into the fringe-right. But even if Stephen Miller read a lot of Steve Sailer, what did that do for immigration restriction? Even if someone deep in the RNC or Trump Campaign or at Fox News has a particularly scandalous media diet, and all the spiciest memes on their phone, what transformation to national policy does that really produce?
If anyone dares act openly as a nationalist, without having secured a political office for themselves, they’ll just be tossed or marginalized by media-skittish bosses, or indeed, superiors who fully understand what they are ideologically and oppose them for that itself. It has happened repeatedly, and will continue. And from the man who leads, according to the media, this train of Fascists right on the cusp of taking total power, setting Washington’s swamp ablaze?
On the Big Picture issues of the National Question, a subject which has passed almost effortlessly from Pat Buchanan to Tucker Carlson in terms of reach and clarity of communication, Trump has accomplished nothing. Like evaluating an algebraic expression with L’Hôpital’s rule, if we ‘take the limit’ of Trump’s policy actions, legislative marshaling, and most crucially, his staffing and management decisions on trade, foreign war, and immigration, the record speaks for itself. We voted for our own version of Hope and Change. We bought the hats. We got almost exactly the opposite. What to make of all this?
One approach would be to simply vote for Trump again, because the alternatives are truly awful, but also create as much noise as possible so that his voters (some sixty-three million of them) understand there is a conservatism beyond wars for foreign interests, ‘aspirationally’ (to be charitable) calling for lower taxes on billionaires, and impotently watching novel forms of sexual deviance become moral imperatives. Not a seat at the GOP table, but a straw in its milkshake. This isn’t a terrible strategy! It produces panic among the right sorts; but it runs into problems of scale.
In particular, if Venmo or PayPal, and above them, MasterCard or Visa (and behind them, myriad and convoluted relationships of merchants, payment processors, banking institutions and services providers) are told by the SPLC (or anyone else, really) that your strategy is ‘hateful’, you’ll lose your cashflow.
In particular, if YouTube (Google) and/or Twitter, feels pressure from advertisers or investors (in turn pressured by the SPLC, or anyone else), well, say goodbye to your internet audience. Normie Conservatives will in fact cheer this development, because even though Big Tech is bad and all, hey, you were a Nazi. Only Nazis disagree with the GOP establishment. See how that works?
In particular, if your employer learns you have doubts about the economic or social merits of mass immigration, unquestioned and unbounded sexual self expression, approaches to criminality that don’t seem to have worked in California or New York City, or even that you cherish a life and identity not represented in those places, you may lose your job and income. It happens.
Does voting for Trump fix any of this? Of course not. In fact, Trump has materially signed onto at least the first two paragraphs of this bullying. Many of his biggest campaign donors and biggest occupants of White House face-time are exactly the same establishment donors who keep America’s political kabuki running non-stop. They’re not going to tolerate the likes of you changing anything; they just want you to shut up and vote for Trump and keep the party going. Or Biden — mostly, they just want you to shut up.
What then? Tread the line between okay and not okay indefinitely? That’s not even a strategy for real life with a delay of decades, as many basically innocent but awkward, hapless men merely not married to women they once attracted found out the hard way. Rightists won’t get fairer treatment than Louis CK or Aziz Ansari received. The incentives to be a justiciar are too high. We’ll be treated like we’re truly Harvey Weinsteins or Jeff Epsteins. If you think because our transgressions don’t involve clumsy sexual advances towards liberal harpies, it’ll somehow go any better, I’ve got bad news for you.
Inevitably, just as the House was lost, the Senate and Presidency will be all Democratic controlled in your lifetime. It was all Republican controlled quite recently, if you remember, to no effect for ‘our’ side. My money is on 2028. It’s hard to know precisely, but it’s going to happen with certainty. Whatever treatment you want to avoid by voting for Trump now is coming for rightists to the right of Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio (who both astutely praised Antifa). This isn’t anything new, by the way; just another turn of Whig history’s wheel.
Why are you a rightist, anyway? What are your reasons for not being ‘normal’? Maybe you dislike masses of completely alien people just traipsing into your country and staying forever, or being given the keys to your country by lottery. Maybe you dislike all the crazy sex stuff being pushed on kids. Maybe you dislike the ever present humiliation of people that look like you, and the constant praise of people who don’t look like you, because of what you each look like and who you are, in your own country. Maybe you don’t want to live in the pod nor eat the bugs. You’ve got your reasons for dissent. But is your politics real? Won’t it just be rolled over by the Whig Wheel in a decade?
You may think segregationists were scum of the earth, beyond the pale, past any kind of redemption and have nothing whatsoever to do with your notions about why the present status quo is terrible (Or you may not. I see you, gropyers.). Re-litigating its morality now seems pointless — but you cannot deny that segregation was popular. Really popular. Casually inspecting the photos and newsreels, you see Governors, Senators, VIPs. Normal, suburban, educated people. Professionals and families marching and shouting for segregation! You also see National Guardsmen pointing guns with bayonets at them, coercing them into policy from Washington. George Wallace eventually recanted. Doesn’t ‘the conservative case for transgenderism’ remind you of this, even a little bit? What do you think became of segregationists by the 1980s?
You may not be a “Klansman” yourself, but you are a “Segregationist”.
What you think of as a rational policy or moral stance on Immigration, Transgenderism, Gun Rights, Trade and Climate Policy, Healthcare and Welfare, what you think of as normal and perfectly acceptable in the circles you run in — even relatively mainstream ones, even ones that afford you a normal life lived alongside liberal people in those big exciting cities — is as doomed in 2019 as what was ‘normal’ to believe in 1959 about integration.
There are little local bouts of sanity for the ‘Segregationist’ of the ‘Current Year’. There were before Trump, too — a State here or there would ban gay marriage, a State here or there would try enforcing Federal immigration law (neglected on purpose). Then the ‘National Guard’, being real government, with real power, would say “Nope, you don’t get to win.”, and over and over again, power would tell the powerless to shut up and go back to work.
We’re seeing this ‘local bout of sanity’ that misses the point play out in Virginia, the Old Dominion, on the issue of assault weapons bans. Normie Cons, convinced that the Second Amendment is real and deserves respect, convinced of the logic of martial demotism being a safeguard of liberty, and convinced that broadly enjoyed individual liberty is a good thing (More Lizzo, please!) are celebrating a development of a Sheriff, an honest, decent, brave man, I’ve no doubt, swearing he’ll deputize the citizens of his County to protect their rights functionally if the State wants to abuse them so.
The interesting quirk of a materially progressive solution aside (What do you call expanding State entity status, hm? And it is worth emulating…), the good Sheriff and Virginia gun owners are just done here. If Northam or Northam’s successor simply waits, the comfortable White NoVA suburbs will only get more Blue and more Acela-y, and more contemptuous of the dwindling Real America, and indeed, their imported immigrant voters only more numerous.
And if the Supreme Court doesn’t guarantee AR-15 ownership nationwide and mandate carry permit issuance — which even this cynic concedes could, theoretically, happen — it’s demographically certain there will eventually be confiscation of NFA firearms and ‘assault weapons’, possibly all guns post-amendment. That’s clearly where we’re headed in America — but how? Why?
It’s because ‘the right’ allowed a situation where the only options are; winning elections in which the franchise can be expanded, or violently resisting — i.e. being good losers or being illegitimate contesters of power. Maybe some ultra Based Boomer will saddle up and start laying down .308 on the Virginia State Police (note: this is an absolutely idiotic move, and I condemn it completely, I hope that’s obvious), but that can only hasten the demise of the 2A (See? I disavow political violence, so there).
Unlike Muslim terrorism, whose net effect in both the US and UK has been to increase the number of Muslims in both countries, their social prominence, and political power (often, darkly hilariously, in the national security realm where they are prized for ethnolinguistic membership in groups which pose terrorist risks), right wing terrorism just fails and fails, unfaillingly.
Isn’t this some trap? Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, French Revolution, U.S. Civil War, Sexual Revolution, Transgenderism; the right, tradition, conservatism, it loses. Chalk it up to the Kali Yuga, or entropy.
So another approach is in order, and it has nothing to do with ‘Owning the libs’ in 2020, nor any fantasies of the ‘Boogaloo’. Not even the ‘Hootenanny’.
What the authentic, ‘nationalist’, ‘populist’, Pro-Western, panoply of interesting, order-based politics needs is a good strong dose of exactly what it claims it represents — structure, boundaries, discipline, and order. It requires institutions which operate in the real world, as it is, to bring about the world as it could be. These institutions can’t be disparate groups of people working for free (forever). They have to be direct depositing competitive salaries into people’s bank accounts, or at least cutting paychecks with perforated stubs. They have to be transmitting sound ideas that can always be found from a phone or computer, and are compelling enough that they outcompete establishment Screams into the Void. They have to own territory which they can lease the use of for income, and from within which they can always build a life (or at least house employees), for at least for their own membership.
Finance, Communications, Real-Estate. Money, Beliefs, Land. How people get stuff, what people think, where people live and work.Whatever you want to call these domains, these are the domains where life happens, and from which power, the ability to make other people do as you wish, emanates. The broad shape of institutions which do these things (while crucial) is secondary to actually having them at all. It’s certainly true that Bolshevism was stupid and didn’t work out. It’s also certainly true if you were the smartest Capitalist in Stalin’s Russia (or Brezhnev’s Russia), you were gonna have a bad time.
The astute reader will notice I just proposed de facto Statehood as the end goal, not just a new political party, or a We Built Our Own Youtube! operation, though these are necessary. That’s exactly correct. That’s exactly the point. The reason you hear Lizzo and Lizzo-like things from the mouths of political candidates is because you are governed by a State whose political formula — this essay is getting long enough, I’ll assume you read what I do — demands ‘all bodies’ inclusivity to justify governance of all: that means ever more Lizzo.
If you don’t want Lizzo, you don’t want this State. You can keep the country, and to the chagrin of some insecure European rightist types born in the wrong part of the Anglosphere, the American nation doesn’t need to go anywhere, but the State definitely does. It has to be scrapped and replaced. Luckily, this replacement operation has happened multiple times, and it turns out you can keep the name, the Flag, the same names for radically different offices, and everyone gets a warm fuzzy sense of continuity (even though often previously that concealed deep tragedy and total deceit about what was happening.)
Depending on what you think the number versioning system should be, or which iterations on US_gov_repo qualify as forks (Did the 17th Amendment? Articles of Confederation? Citizens United? Obama’s election?), we’re a different country often enough. Furthermore, we’re a set of different subset countries with their own satrapy style quasi-States, their own Special Autonomous Regions, which the OverState knows not to mess with too much. These Americas are racially, economically and culturally mediated. Glashütte and la Mer do not have locations in Alabama or Detroit. You cannot hope to get a proper grits in Seattle or New York. The PRC gov’t. whines about Hong Kong — but have they ever been to the South Bronx or Brownsville after visiting Manhattan for UN meetings? Almost certainly they have not.
When the Soviet Union collapsed (a history about which you should really read as much as you can), it stunned the world. If you think it’s annoying seeing everyone claim they knew Trump would win all along now, ask older people (who weren’t wonks) if they knew the USSR was going to cease to exist quite soon when it was still 1989. It’s astonishing how little violence there was, and how little foreign intervention was involved in the emergence of the Russian Federation, which quickly normalized its valid international status.
Looking hard at the rapidity of most governing sorts simply falling into roles where they knew what to do, (not to discount the absolute economic chaos and misery of the subsequent years that left more than a few vatniks stumbling drunk forever), one gets the impression that there was simply enough structure the Russian Federation only needed to change what it was called and who was a citizen, and could proceed from there without much change. That’s pretty much what happened, though it’s also terrifying to read contemporary accounts of Boris Yeltsin, a man whose drunkenness even amused Bill Clinton, more or less pleading with the military to be loyal to him and populist referendums and not attempt a coup against Gorbachev.
The problem we face is that West has no West. The United States of America has no Federative American State. California's governor Gavin Newsom often speaks of California as though it’s a country all its own. Former presidential candidate O’Rourke in a rare moment of acutely intelligent observation noted that the United States is in fact a global empire, whose national constitution may no longer be relevant to its governance. This talk produces a lot of consternation among NormieCons, but remember, they’re the mindless rank and file of the Stupid Party. John Stuart Mill was not wrong, sad to say.
In fact, the closest thing we have to a successor State, and a new model of governance (like nation-States replaced Empire), is the very same Big Tech that NormieCons loathe. Functionally, who governs your ability to find new information? Who governs your ability to speak your mind? Who controls your access to goods and services? Having already ravaged the digital arts and sciences for programmatic ads e-commerce and fintech bullshit, Silicon Valley is looking for real estate plays to ‘disrupt’ next. To whom will you pay rent or your mortgage in ten years? Coldwell-Banker? A local landlord? Come on.
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and to a lesser extent, Netflix, Twitter, and a whole host of ‘life service’ providers, govern your life. If they don’t already, they’ll govern your children’s lives, and exact ‘taxes’ from their earnings, however meagre, that they may participate in the world alongside their peers. In terms of GDP, even the smaller tech-service players are already more valuable than certain NATO members’ entire economies. If you think Walt Disney lacks power that Bulgaria has on the world stage because the latter has a token military, you’re kidding yourself. Coca-Cola could only hire rinky dink Columbian militias, but Saudi Aramco got to hire the US Marine Corps. What will Google get?
Another example of a successor State, albeit one of local governance and local responsibility is the Orthodox Jewish community of Kiryas Joel, or the similar Crown Heights-Bed Stuy communities. They have, in practice, their own cities, and their own neighborhoods, with their own schools, their own police, and their own emergency services.
From these places, they happily enjoy their own way of life, provide for one another’s families and their peoples’ future, growing their numbers and increasing their influence over the world around them. They deal with the external politics if and when they need to, via political organizations which interface with New York City, New York State, and the US federal government as required, in order to protect their own people.
Another example would be the Old Order Amish, whose Ordnung, despite so much decentralization and variety you need a chart to see which orders allow power lawn mowers and running water bathtubs or consider this sort of thing newfangled and inappropriate, have dramatically expanded their numbers.
Younger generations are keeping to the old ways and migrating only because there’s too little farmland for them to buy homesteads in Pennsylvania. Still another example might be the Mormons, if you think their evangelism to stock outside the Anglo-American base and somewhat sordid sexual politics and rampant secularization won’t ultimately doom them.
The Heritage American nation — and actually anyone who feels any fondness for them, their way of life, their mores, their future hopes— has none of this, in their own country, no less. It has no Congressional Caucus, it has no Defamation League, it has no College Fund, it has no ‘code bootcamp’ program or Small Business Loan grant. It has no Shomrim. It has no Ordnung. It certainly has nothing like nameservers or payment and merchant networks.
Why not, though? Why shouldn’t it? Does it not exist? Does it not have interests? Does it not require to interface with governments state, local, and Federal? Do the activities of life it engages in not require Commerce, Information, and Territory to be controlled in some way by responsible stewards? For decades, these questions were irrelevant because this nation existed in the unquestioned majority in relation to every other group. Fish don’t need to think about the water in which they swim anymore than we need to think about the air in which we walk. It’s everywhere, right?
That is quickly turning out to not be true. In recent decades NormieCons of the Heritage American nation have started to notice shibboleths of who controls society and unto whose benefit the air is circulated, pointing to people other than themselves. Rick Perry once ran for the presidency noting that ‘something is wrong in America when gays can serve openly the military, but children can’t pray in schools’. He was the Energy Secretary until the end of 2019. Think any GOPer will ever take that line again? Even Trump, who promised we’d only be saying “Merry Christmas”, has a White House that had to wish America ‘Happy Kwanza’. The Whig Wheel rolls on.
The 2020 Census is nigh upon us; I suspect that even without re-evaluation of the MENA Census Category, it’ll show something quite shocking — that ‘majority-minority’ America is coming much sooner than 2040, and that it might already be here in several States currently considered majority One-Race Non-Hispanic White. Essentially, that democratically, the American nation (even if you include African Americans and Native Americans in a trinary fashion) has been almost replaced in the United States of America.
Commerce, Information, Territory. Institutions which control these things and do so with the conscious, overt, and soberly pursued mission of controlling them for the benefit of Heritage America and its allies, that seek to rationally, and and responsibly govern resources for its own and deal fairly and decently with others, must be created, robustly, and quickly.
‘Owning the libs’ as the USA turns into a kind of Globalist Yugoslavia, or devoting energy to ensuring the party of sourcing cheap foreign labor for big business wins token elections is an utter waste of your time, and I hope you eschew it where possible.
So at long last, here are some things I hope you will focus on:
ICANN Registrar Organization accreditation and operation
NCUA Credit Union Sponsorship and charter creation
Accounting, Realty, and Investment certification and education
All of these domains of work offer hundreds of different career paths and job opportunities at every level of experience or accommodation of a different profession, from ‘first job out of college’ to ‘career switch’ to apprenticing. All of them offer respectable, relatively steady employment that motivated persons can use to take up all the time in their work week, saving for their own future and making sure their own time and energy goes to themselves.
All of them offer dissidents the skills, networking, and financial wherewithal to be dangerous to a system that relies on us being mindless consumers, and helplessly, impotently raging against a world that functions without us, and to create the governing structures of day-to-day life activities that underline de facto Statehood. If these seem boring to you, here are some other options:
Join the National Guard or Reserve of different services.
Join the Police at the State or Local level, and Federal level if possible.
Enter the State and Local government bureaucracy, Federally if possible.
These too will offer important skills, networking, and the steady paychecks dissidents need to acquire and intelligently use over the next several decades.
Crucially, none of this involves: Putting your name or face or trackable information on any kind of anti-system politics that comes with risk of being un-personed, or even worse, propping up a fake order that doesn’t serve the American nation, its sympathizers, and empowers the people killing it.
In the New Year, I will be taking up each of these avenues and in a series of essays & some documentation dumps provide the outlines of what people need to get started, hopefully planting the seeds of inspiration among dissidents young and old who want to leave me in the dust (Many of you are brilliant, and much more competent than me, so this should be an easy task, truly) as they set to work on these things that are so, so much more important than some stupid election whose outcome we truly can’t control in any way.
I think for the foreseeable future, it’s a necessity of circumstance that our efforts will be largely anonymous, sporadic in progress, and hopelessly distributed — but working separately in a common direction, we will be able to find one another and align on common causes and boost one another’s efforts. I wish you all well, though I know beefs and disagreements abound, and I hope we all have a wonderful 2020 as Christmas winds down and the New Year looms large.
— Indian Bronson
Nice post. Reading this, I can't help but think...is Mormon entryism the answer? They've got the kind of social capital that takes generations to build, they control an entire US state, they've already significantly infiltrated the federal police / "intelligence community" apparatus. Their women are attractive and wholesome, and the religion encourages having lots of kids and supports your ability to do so. Giving up caffeine and alcohol kinda sucks but is way easier than what it takes to become an Old Order Amish or an Orthodox Jew. The universalizing impulse is troublesome but could perhaps be arrested with enough work...certainly seems easier than building that sort of social organization from scratch, no?
Read the piece, as expected was thought provoking. This is both comment as well as sort of confirmation my understanding of your argument is correct given my relative unfamiliarity with this segment of domestic discourse.
[correct me if I’m wrong] Essentially you are interested in practical steps to a post state existence, for reasons that cluster around
1. Living without imposition of deviant/destructive cultural values [woke stuff], especially by elites controlling media/business/education
2. The impotency and ineptitude of the current system as displayed by politicians, voters, and regulators across the spectrum
3. Companies’ (especially tech!) practical control already surpassing the state in profound ways (and it’s only gonna get worse).
Number 3 definitely resonated and didn’t depend on accepting 1 or 2. I’d imagine there are many others who’d feel the same way.
One aspect that stood out were parts discussing religious communities like Mormons, Amish/Mennonite, or Orthodox Jews that to varying degrees self segregate in order to maintain tradition. When combined with your call to a ‘post state’ (or para state?) existence...that kind of sounds like India (and I’m not just saying that because you’re Indian!)
What I mean is the Indian state is in most practical circumstances weak, extremely corrupt, inept, and oriented towards accommodating thousands of diverse/endogamous/insular communities. An example of this in practice could be the cases currently before Indian Supreme Court involving petitioners suing for gay marriage under the Hindu/foreign/inter-religious marriage acts - but not under the Christian or Islamic marriage acts (for obvious reasons). The Indian state cannot/will not uniformly ensure marriage equality for LGBT Indians (or impose gay marriage on all Indians if you prefer) as in the USA because it doesn’t have a uniform civil code. But even if they did it wouldn’t change the fact that in practice it’s Indian parents/extended families that are ultimate practical arbiter of whom Indians can or cannot marry.
Anyways really that number 3 is frightening, because that kind of power can be turned on anyone. Today woke Silicon Valley has the power, what if tomorrow the real power shifts to Shenzhen?