Nancy Mace is a trans-woman. She's a woman living out the life of a man.
I don't dislike Mace (in fact, I think you should help keep her in Congress; please donate to Team Mace here: but I can't help but notice she embodies a deep truth about the West's political Conservatism - it's just the unfashionable, retrograde form of Liberalism, and merely not Progressive Liberalism. The right split is 'conservative' vs 'progressive', but they're all Liberals. There are effectively no non-Liberals in Western politics.
Nancy's current effort is to prevent an elected representative from Delaware, Tim McBride (going by Sarah), from using the women's restrooms in Congress:
I think this is eminently reasonable. Tim McBride is a sexual pervert who inflicts his fetish for dressing up as a woman on everyone else because it gives him sexual gratification—which is literally how he defines his “identity”—then has the gall to say it’s everyone *else* who has a “weird obsession” ( with trans-people.
I think he is mentally ill and a de facto sexual predator. I think the right solution to this issue would for him to be arrested and put in an asylum.
Conservatives understand this, they get it. That guy is not a woman and he's a weirdo and he wants to go into women's bathrooms and pretend to be a woman because it's how he gets his sexual kicks. Everyone can be a little freaky, this is America, but once you start involving the public - or children - it's police o'clock.
What they don't seem to get is where all this comes from. Modern gender confusion, the denial of any kind of difference between men and women, up to the inability of people from prestigious institutions to even define what a man or a woman is, began with the deliberate deconstruction of male-only spheres of life, like the military, where Nancy Mace herself played a prominent part.
Nancy Mace is a United States Marine. And in fact, she's the first graduate of the dedicated Marine Corps military college, The Citadel (not to be confused with the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis). Per the New York Times article:
Ms. Mace, 21, became a cadet in the fall of 1996, months before her father, J. Emory Mace, a retired Army Brigadier General, became the Citadel's commandant of cadets....Following the ceremony, Ms. Mace played down her role in eliminating barriers at the college....''The changes have not been made because of women, but to improve the system,'' she told reporters."...She said that she planned a business career and revealed that she received two rings this weekend: the coveted gold emblem of the Citadel Alumni, and an engagement ring from Chris Niemiec, a fellow cadet from Boca Raton, Fla.
Interestingly, Ms. Mace (she divorced Niemiec and another man sometime later) did not share her excitement for MOS 0302, Infantry Officer, or 0802, Artillery.
Transgenderism as a phenomenon is the result of ending the separation of formerly mutually exclusive, socially constructed, male and female domains, which derived from biology. Once the social construction went, the biological distinction would go next. Obviously there are some women—Nancy was one (to an extent, she never saw combat)—who can meet male-defined standards in formerly male only spheres of life, from economic to martial performance.
But is that what women are for?
In the same way men are for war and economic production, to benefit society?
If you say “yes, of course, just because an individual is a female, doesn’t mean her social role as a woman should limit her, especially if she can keep up with the boys!” then you’ve decided social constructions don’t matter—besides any biological and physical considerations. And furthermore, the inevitable, practical reality is that the biological and physical considerations *will* change, and when they change, invite their own new social constructions. Notice how it’s now a big no-no to even *imply* women aren’t as suited to combat as men:
Just as much as Tim McBride wears his hair long and puts on a skirt to live in imitation of a woman, Nancy Mace as a “Marine” lived in imitation of a man —within a just as trans-gender construction where “Marines” are sometimes menstruating young women despite combat realities. What drives this? In the case of Tim McBride, the answer is obvious: sexual fetishism.
But it's not just that. It's also that women are - despite all the changes we've made to the world to indulge Feminist demands - treated fundamentally differently than men, particularly (relatively) young (relatively) pretty women. However, there are a few spheres of life defined by masculine doership and courage where its (relatively) young (relatively) stronger men who receive the greatest esteem of society.
One of those is business (remember the degree Nancy Mace chose?), and another is warfare. Those crisp salutes, the guttural "hoo-RAHs!", the shouting of "Sir!" (cf. 'sire') and "Men!", the rigid rifles and rapidly expended ammunition belts. It's all quite virile. It's what "virtue" literally means.
Another domain is political power. For a very long time (read: as long as humans have existed in civilizations complex enough to have politics), political power, the softer end of military power, has been an exclusively male domain (Queens and such were in a separate class of humanity, so the mundane rules did not apply). But there's prestige and real power there, too.
And in that, Tim McBride and Nancy Mace are just two trans-gals doing their best; one is a MtF tranny, and the other is a FtM tranny. They're both living within imitations of the opposite sex, they're both recipients of the blessings of Liberalism and its transgression of defined social constructions that reify pre-figured biological realities for the good of social order.
Conservatives - who again, are Liberals - have largely made peace with totalizing deconstructions of male-female social divisions, going on for over a century, from the Suffragettes to the Sexual Revolution. It's one of the things that actually distinguishes 'modern' and 'Western' society from 'antiquity' and 'non-Western' cultures. The Citadel was founded in the early 1820s. Its legacy derives from Marines from 1775 onwards. What would they make of modern society? Of Nancy Mace as a Marine? There would be a lot that they don't recognize. We're not just Liberals, but we're *progressive* Liberals in relation to that society. But this then demonstrates why Nancy Mace's opposition to Tim McBride is a compromised.
What is Tim McBride asking for? To be recognized as something he is not (like a woman being a MUH-REEN), to go somewhere he has no business (like the Citadel), to enjoy status by association he doesn't deserve ("from the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"), rather than living out his normal social role. That is, as part of the incoming Congress in 2025, he wants to apply the Liberal lens, progressively, to his own life and deconstruct social norms of manhood and femininity just the same way Nancy did in 1995. Thirty years, a young person's life, is all that separates one Progressive Liberal from another. Transport yourself back to 1995 - who was on the forefront of keeping the service academies and the like male only? Who were the people demanding that women be part of them? The division should remind you of the one today regarding bathrooms, because it is.
Today's Conservative is yesterday's Progressive. That's the eternal liberation demanded by Liberalism, the endless journey to right every wrong and make everything equal and raise the low high and turn everything upside down. I wish conservatives, like Nancy Mace, every success in stopping perverts like Tim McBride from entering women's restrooms. But for every little Conservative victory, which is far from certain, there's a looming, totalizing, Liberal victory behind all of them that I don't think they're quite aware of, which is why they're eternally trapped in a war against Progressives. What would getting out of this paradigm look like? Let's talk about it later.